Digital Marketing – Blog 1

This article gives overview of digital marketing, its benefits and techniques. With more and more businesses going for online presence these days, it is important to understand marketing strategy to be implemented for online presence of your business.

So, what is digital marketing?

In a true sense, consider an array of products (with price tags) displayed on sides of long aisles in D-Mart. Now, if the same thing is done on internet where you showcase your products is called digital marketing. So when an internet visitor surfs for product online, compares a few online and purchases your product is a success of your digital marketing technique.  

Once just a mere email user used to login to internet.  We have come a long way from that. When users are spending more online time, their wishlist is to satisfy day-to-day needs through online searches.  So these are the days when whole marketplace is found online. A journey of turning internet visitor to your customer is organisations’ digital marketing strategy.

Benefits of Digital Marketing

It is quite cost effective as your products are displayed virtually. You don’t have to bake the cake if it is not yet ordered. 

Customer gets a choice. It is a human tendency to compare A and B before choosing the right one. 

And best part is, online give and take relationship is convenient to both buyer and seller.

Businesses get to know pulse of customers to brand right product at right time.

Techniques of Digital Marketing

It all starts with business website with appropriate contents.

Once website is in place, we need to ensure online users find it first by Search Engine Optimization technique.

When your potential customers are hooked to social media like faebook, twitter, etc, it makes sense to highlight your products and keep cusotmers engaged using Social Media Marketing.

Online day still starts with email check first. It is a good way to broadcast your product information through Email Marketing. 

Let’s elaborate these techniques

Business Website

It is all about a user experience when someone clicks a hyperlink to your business website. The look and feel of a website decides the time spent on the page. With ease of navigation through appropriate contents marks the success of a good website. 

It is a good investment to  get website designed and developed by professionals.

Search Engine Optimization    

When so many products are highlighted on internet, Google or any other Search Engine plays a vital role for your business to be found in their searches. This has lead to a technique of optimizing search engine in a way to rank your website at the top. Also Google offers a paid way to get a top rank.

It is a good investment to get SEO of your website done.

Social Media Marketing

Man is a social animal. Isolated online presence first got social with chats. Then came platforms to socialize – be seen, chat, share photos and videos through websites like facebook, twitter, youtube and linkedin. These social media gives your target customers with specific demographics (geography, gender and age group) to showcase product suitable to them.

It is a good investment to get Social Media campaign by professionals.

Email Marketing

Email id is an unique identity each one carries online – be it a personal email id or business email id. People do check emails regularly and key business decisions happen on email too. A right set of audience for your product demonstration can be targetted through email broadcast. Once you get a reply asking more product details, email is the way to keep customer engaged with your business.

It is a good investment to get Email Marketing campaign.

We have briefed on digital marketing, its various techniques and key benefits in this article. Digital way is a future of Marketing.

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