Website Content Management System

In this article, we will get an overview of website Content Management System (CMS). When first website was put on internet, it was created using HTML language that had specific HTML tags surrounding the actual contents of the website. It was information availability across globe 24 by 7 that made world wide web popular and… Continue reading Website Content Management System

Agile Methodology to manage software development projects

Agile Methodology to manage software development projects In this article, we will briefly talk about Agile Methodology to manage software development projects. Project Management for software development came from a traditional thought of assembly line of factory. There is a definite sequence or phase for development. So software development was broken into Design, Build and… Continue reading Agile Methodology to manage software development projects

Role of Content Marketing in SEO

The explicit relation between the content and SEO. The methods that are used by marketers for promoting any brands or businesses have undergone tremendous structural and distinct changes in the past few years. Especially the subtle transition from traditional to digital marketing which has created quite a buzz in the market. The niche of digital… Continue reading Role of Content Marketing in SEO